Lines for Leaders: Rocket Surgeon
He struggled to lead his team to land a rover on Mars; here’s what this ‘rocket surgeon’ learned about getting his people to work together.
He struggled to lead his team to land a rover on Mars; here’s what this ‘rocket surgeon’ learned about getting his people to work together.
In this “Lines for Leaders,” John Wooden cites a Texas track coach who gave unusually succinct advice to his runners; we can learn a lot from his approach.
I’m always grateful to hear the words, “Thank you for your service” but they also leave me a little uncomfortable, here’s why they might be misdirected.
A quote from Alexander den Heijer helps us go from managing people plodding slowly on the corporate treadmill, to making them feel like running.
To delegate better, it helps to put more energy into the start of the process. With the help of a story about a naturalist stranded on a frozen lake in the Canadian sub-arctic, here are three ways to begin so that we get what we need at the end.
Hyperbolic discounting isn’t some crazy sales technique, but it CAN keep us from achieving our goals; here’s how to recognize when it’s happening, and seven ways to prevent our tendency to self-sabotage.
Praise is one of the most powerful tools available to a leader; here are 5 ways you can use it to inspire, motivate, and even change lives.
Having the courage to lead is more than just stepping forward, there is something else we have to do with that courage if we really want to lead well.
Burnout on the job is costing us more than we think; here are three things we need to know to protect our teammates and minimize the damage.
The crutch phrases we use often weaken our efforts to lead instead of strengthening them; here are three examples to avoid.
Leading former peers is one of the most common and most difficult things we’ll face as leaders; here are 27 ways to make it a little easier.
Leading sheep is not too far different from leading people, as this would-be shepherd learned the hard way; here are 9 secrets to doing it well.