Tag: leadership

Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek

Book Notes: Leaders Eat Last

The book title caught my eye because it’s something the Army has been doing for a long time.  One evening, while observing Marines eating dinner

The Killer Angels - Michael Shaara

Book Notes: The Killer Angels

The first and best historical fiction book I have ever read, and an excellent look into the challenges of leadership, The Killer Angels reads like

Turn the Ship Around - David Marquet

Book Notes: Turn the Ship Around!

Recently while researching leadership topics, I came upon an interesting video on YouTube.  In it, author L. David Marquet, a retired U.S. Navy Captain, relates how he

Taking Control by Giving

Taking Control by Giving

As soon as we got out of the overloaded white mini-bus with the two rubber rafts on top, we were met by our guide.  He

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