Making Time: There’s Never Enough; Can We Make More?
Time – there’s never enough of it, and everyone seems to want more; is making time an option? With a change of perspective, I think so.
Time – there’s never enough of it, and everyone seems to want more; is making time an option? With a change of perspective, I think so.
There’s something hiding in the back of the garage that helps me keep what’s important in the front of my mind; should you have one too?
How do you find the space to think in a noisy world? We are bombarded all day long by messages telling us what to do,
“If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. “
The football arcs high above the field seemingly in slow motion, reaching its zenith, then nosing over and beginning its plummet to the field below.
Have you ever noticed how with all the stuff around us, we only ever use a small portion of what we have? Like that smart