Overcoming Fear: Finding Confidence in a Scary World

Overcoming fear begins by recognizing that fear comes from within and that we have power over it; Jodie’s story of struggle and success shows how.
Small Acts of Leadership: 50 Ways to Become More Influential

Opportunities to influence others are all around us; it’s the small acts of leadership that can have the biggest impact; here are 50 ways to get started.
The Leadership Eye Test: A Simple Checkup for Your Team’s Health

A leadership “eye” test may be just the thing we need to make sure the long-term health of our team is not in danger; here’s a simple way to get a checkup.
Leaders Go First: The Surprising Impact of Making the First Move

We know that leaders go first, that’s part of the definition of being a leader. But there’s a surprising impact that going first can have on those who follow that is more powerful than we may have thought.
Visualization Techniques: 5 Simple Ways We Can Influence the Future

Can visualization techniques help us see into the future? I think they can. Better, I think they can help us shape that future the way we want it to turn out. Done well, visualization techniques are a great tool for simulating future experiences before they happen so we can influence the outcomes. Here’s one way they helped me just last week, and several ways they can help you.
Dealing With Critics

Any time we venture out of our comfort zones, it can feel like we’re sticking out, vulnerable to criticism. Someone is likely to say something. Here’s how to deal with the criticism when it comes.
Preparing for Success: 8 Ways to Stack the Odds in Your Favor

What does preparing for success look like? In this short video, a small team prepares to break a major barrier of human achievement; here’s what it takes.
Building a Team: What to Look for When Assembling Your Squad

Whether we get to choose who will be on our team, or we have to work with the people we have right now, building a team for the long-haul is not something we can do overnight. Here’s a new favorite quote about that, and five things to look for when building a team that succeeds […]
Achieving Goals: Five Ways to Make Your Dreams a Reality

How do we make achieving goals actually happen? The 28th of July was huge for me. I had been chasing a goal for nearly a year, and was doing my best to make it a reality. On that particular Sunday, after months of effort, it happened. What was the goal? More importantly, what were […]
Getting Their Attention: How to Bend time With The Oddball Effect

How can we get our teammates to sit up and take notice? By slowing down time. Odd as it may seem, we can actually do this, and unlocking this power can be an effective leadership tool. It involves a simple concept called the oddball effect. Here’s what it is and how we can use it […]
Transformational Leadership: 5 Steps to a Brighter Future with Your Team

He found a creative way to complain about a relationship gone bad, but the words of his song reveal the difference between merely managing people and truly leading them. What did he say? Today I’ll share his thought-provoking quote and how it can inspire us to become transformative leaders in this edition of “Lines for […]
Making Noise: 3 Tips for Better Leading in a Noisy World

“Are we making progress, or just making noise?” Mark Twain has said a lot of funny and interesting things, but do you know what he said about chickens and eggs? Or how his comment applies to good leadership? Stick around and I’ll tell you in this edition of “Lines for Leaders.”