Managing the Boss: How to Deliver Bad News

No one likes to deliver bad news to the boss. But how you present a problem to them will have a lot to do with how they react to it. It’s more than just “managing the boss” – it’s seeing things from their perspective. Here is a way you can break the news, help to […]
Cornerstone of Leadership: What’s Yours?

The location, orientation, and strength of a building are determined by its cornerstone. And just as a building needs that firm foundation to be strong, any organization also needs a basis of strength and purpose that orients and guides its actions. These things come from its leaders. These are its cornerstone. The question is, as […]
Joining the Team: What the New Guy Won’t Tell You

We’ve all been there, but it’s funny how quickly we can forget the “New Guy” experience. Yet how you bring a new person onto the team will have a lot to do with how long they stay, and how productive they’ll be. Here are four things that the new guy won’t tell you, and what […]
How to Get Inside their Heads: Understanding the Team Development Model

Effective team development requires us to understand the life cycle of teams; here are the stages and how to lead effectively every step of the way.
How an Orange Soda Changed my World View

You never know how your actions will affect someone. Here’s something that happened to me over 33 years ago that I still remember. A simple act of kindness from a stranger changed my view of the world.
Book Notes: The One Thing

“If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. “ – Russian Proverb That’s how Gary Keller’s The ONE Thing opens up. Even before the first paragraph, title page, table of […]
9 Leadership Mistakes to Avoid

In a recent online poll, about 1,000 U.S. workers were asked what their biggest complaints were about their leaders. Today we’ll talk about the top nine of these complaints, how they are connected, and what you can do to avoid being one of the leaders they are complaining about.
How to Respond to Crisis: Four Steps for Leaders

As a leader you will have to respond to crisis. The plan will get off track, a key person will not show up, the weather will change, key assumptions will be proven wrong. It’s inevitable. How you respond will determine whether you overcome the crisis, or become a victim of it. Today we’ll talk about four […]
How to Delegate on the Fly

To get the job done as a leader, you have to delegate. There’s no other way around it. Often, we are in a big hurry too. But if you are moving too fast, you are liable to forget something important. Today I’ll give you a simple tool you can use so that when you delegate […]
Book Notes: The Slow Fix

In the 2011 Grand Prix Formula One race in Monaco, Lewis Hamilton’s car collided with another racer. There was damage to the rear wing end plate of his car. Under any other circumstances, his racing day would have been over. Changing tires during a pit stop is one thing, but repairing something more complicated like […]
The Abilene Paradox: When Agreement is Bad

Not sure where your team is heading? Wonder what will be waiting for you when you get there? Sounds like you might just be on the Bus to Abilene. Here’s how to recognize if you’re on that Bus and how to get it turned in the right direction.
Do You Really Need Charisma to Lead?

Not everyone has the charismatic superhero personality that captivates a room, and attracts followers like metal filings to a magnet. For the many of us who may be a little short on vitamin C (charisma), are we doomed to permanent follower-ship while the outgoing back-slappers take over the world? I’d say don’t give up hope. […]