Pose Power: How to Lead Better in Only Two Minutes

power poses

Can the way you stand or sit make you a better leader?  Short answer: Yes, I believe it can.  There are two main ways that this happens, and we’ll be talking about how you can put them both to work to enhance your ability to lead.

How You Can Use Accountability to Achieve Your Goals


If you have big ideas, great.  If you have turned them into goals, super.  But if you want to make them become real, the question is:  What’s your accountability plan?  Today we’ll talk about accountability and how you can turn it into a powerful tool to help make that goal a reality.

The Stink Test: Why Leaders Need to Listen to Their Noses

The Stink Test

During a long trek deep in the woods, we were faced with a mini-crisis that could have ruined the trip.  But by applying the “Stink Test” we averted disaster and finished the hike as intended.  Here’s what the “Stink Test” is, and how you can use it to make smart decisions as a leader.

Book Notes: Bunker Hill – Right Vision, Wrong Goal

Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick

Bunker Hill by Nathaniel Philbrick was a thoroughly enjoyable read from start to finish.  If you like historical non-fiction that reads like a novel, this is a great one to add to your library. Aside from telling the fascinating story of the events leading up to the American Revolution, there was something near the end […]

7 Leadership Paradoxes: It’s Not What You Thought

Leadership Paradoxes

Too often the new leader steps forward to take charge, but quickly becomes frustrated when people won’t listen to his demands. What’s wrong? These leaders don’t see the paradoxes of leadership. What they think they need to do to be a good leader is actually making it harder for them to lead. Today we’ll talk about seven […]

9 Things You are Doing that Really Infuriate the Boss

infuriate the boss

Wondering what it is you did to infuriate the boss? The boss just always seems to be mad at you.  You’re trying to lead your team the best you can, but every time you turn around he’s in your face about something. You might be thinking, “What’s his problem?” But it might be something you are […]

What Hiking 2,189 Miles Taught Me About Leadership

Appalachian Trail Leadership

What can you learn about leadership from hiking for six months straight, covering thousands of miles, and carrying everything you own stuffed into a bag on your back? Plenty, it turns out. Recently I asked successful long-distance backpacker Greg Ward if he would be willing to share some of his Appalachian Trail leadership lessons with us.  His […]

Leading Your Friends: 9 Ways to Lead Your Former Peers

Leading Your Friends

Congratulations – you’ve just been promoted to Team Lead! What’s the bad news?  It’s the same team you’ve been on.  How are you going to lead your friends? One of the hardest things to do as a leader is to lead your peers.  When you all come from the same starting point, what is the basis […]

10 Unusual Meetings to Make Your Team More Productive

10 Unusual Meetings

We’ll never be free from the need to have meetings, but that doesn’t mean they have to be long, boring, and unproductive.  Here are ten unusual meeting approaches you can use to get out of a rut, stimulate more creativity, and be more productive.

Great Reads in Leadership for Fall 2016

Great Reads in Leadership

Abraham Lincoln once said that if he had six hours to chop down a tree, he would spend the first four sharpening his ax.  More recently, personal development expert Stephen Covey has said that “sharpening your saw” is a critical part of becoming better at your craft. One of the best ways you can continue […]

Book Notes – Sea of Glory: The 7 Habits of the Highly Insecure Leader

Sea of Glory - Nathaniel Philbrick

Lacking confidence in your leadership?  Are you an insecure leader?  Sometimes the things we are tempted to do to compensate for insecurity are the worst options, as Lieutenant Wilkes, United States Navy, found out the hard way in 1838.  Here’s what happened, how you can avoid these seven deadly habits, and build the confidence you […]

Building the Team: Why You Don’t Need New Shoes

Building the Team

Think you need to make a change on your team?  Not able to advance because someone is holding you back?  It is easy to catch yourself thinking along these lines.  But the other day I came to an interesting realization when I paused to think about my old running shoes.  Here’s why your “racing” success is […]