Before you can lead others, you have to be able to lead yourself. In that spirit, good leaders devote time to becoming the best version of themselves that they can be. These books can help.
“These are the books that I recommend to close friends. I hope you find them as helpful as I did. “
Before you can lead others, you have to be able to lead yourself. In that spirit, good leaders devote time to becoming the best version of themselves that they can be. These books can help.
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This is an older book but still a classic. Carnegie’s friendly, no-nonsense approach to better ways to get along with people is timeless advice for everybody. For more insights, check out my book notes on this great work.
These seven habits captured by Stephen Covey have become foundational for any person who wants to lead himself better and become more effective at leading others. Get the book notes on The 7 Habits.
Helps you cut through the noise and clutter to make sure you get the important things done first; loaded with tips; the author has even highlighted the book for you. Review book notes on The ONE Thing.
Sometimes we can get ensnared in the traps of bad habits; lots of great tips and techniques to cast off the old, bad ones, and build newer, better ones that take us where we want to go. Read my book notes here.
Stanford psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. identifies two views about potential: a fixed mindset, and a growth mindset. Filled with interesting studies and real-life examples in work, school, parenting and relationships, this book shows us how we can open the door to the vast potential that lies in all of us.
The secret to success is in our connections with other people. Master networker Keith Ferrazzi explains how to tap into the power of relationships in a way that everybody wins. His generosity-based approach helps us avoid desperate glad-handing and shows us how to build genuine relationships with practical, proven principles.
Co-authored by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant, this book follows the aftermath of tragedy when Sandberg suddenly and unexpectedly experiences heartbreaking loss. Combined with Grant’s research and compelling insights, the authors transform the tragedy into a powerful guide that helps us build resilience into our own lives. We will all experience loss; this book shows us how to get through it.
It’s sub-title is “The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success is (Mostly) Wrong.” With a light, often humorus touch, author Eric Barker questions conventional wisdom, and draws from unconventional sources to make his points about what it really takes to be successful. For example, in talking about cooperation, he draws lessons from gangs, pirates, and seriel killers. Backing his observations with copious research, his approach makes for an interesting read that causes us to rethink the path to success we thought we were on.