Influencing the Decision: How to Transition from Doer to Decider
There are the people who have to do what they are told, and then there are the people who get to decide what people do.
There are the people who have to do what they are told, and then there are the people who get to decide what people do.
Have you bumped up to the next level recently? Taken on a leadership role? Congratulations! Just keep in mind that what got you there might not be
In 1914, a German U-boat off the coast of England fired a torpedo that sunk the British passenger liner Lusitania. Even though there were plenty
How can I be more influential with my team? My boss? Many of us have asked ourselves that question. Maybe you are the leader but seem
Did you know that organizations have a life cycle? In this video, we’ll talk about what the stages of that life cycle are, and how
We’ve all been there, but it’s funny how quickly we can forget the “New Guy” experience. Yet how you bring a new person onto the
Effective team development requires us to understand the life cycle of teams; here are the stages and how to lead effectively every step of the way.
To get the job done as a leader, you have to delegate. There’s no other way around it. Often, we are in a big hurry
Being the leader is a challenge, but it can be even more challenging when you have new people join the team who don’t yet know
Give people more money and they will perform better right? Actually, no. Daniel Pink’s book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, throws cold
Have you ever been getting ready to do something important, then forgot to take care of one critical thing? That almost happened to me a
Having lived in 19 places in my life (so far), I’ve been in my share of churches, but the one we go to now has