Leaders and Con Men: Should We Follow Their Example?
When it comes to influencing others, leaders and con men seem to be in the same business. The difference is that we can use three of their tricks from the dark side to do some good.
When it comes to influencing others, leaders and con men seem to be in the same business. The difference is that we can use three of their tricks from the dark side to do some good.
The crutch phrases we use often weaken our efforts to lead instead of strengthening them; here are three examples to avoid.
Anytime we step into a position of authority, we can expect a leadership test; here’s what it might look like, and several ways to respond.
Leading former peers is one of the most common and most difficult things we’ll face as leaders; here are 27 ways to make it a little easier.
Eisenhower told a roomfull of military planners that “plans are worthless.” Here’s what he meant and how understanding his intent can help us face the next emergency.
Leading sheep is not too far different from leading people, as this would-be shepherd learned the hard way; here are 9 secrets to doing it well.
Achieving great things requires a leadership trust between leader and led; in one simple story, here’s what that means.
Leading through transition is hard, but here’s what we can learn from a flock of snow geese about how to lead effectively when everything is changing.
Like the stages of grief, I think there are stages of self-righteousness, only they don’t end with hope; here’s what they are and what we can to do about them.
Leadership tantrums seem to be all too common, but throwing a fit just makes things worse. Here’s a short story and 15 quotes about anger to help you keep your cool.
Succession is the final act of leadership, but too many executives get this part wrong; here’s what to focus on to get it right.
When someone does us wrong, what’s the best revenge? The answer might surprise you, but ultimately it’s the route the best leaders choose.