Have you ever noticed how with all the stuff around us, we only ever use a small portion of what we have? Like that smart phone a lot of us carry. How many aps and features does it have, and
Have you ever noticed how with all the stuff around us, we only ever use a small portion of what we have? Like that smart phone a lot of us carry. How many aps and features does it have, and
Have you ever been in a meeting when a tired topic comes up yet again, there’s discussion, then the topic changes, and you get that sinking feeling that at next week’s meeting the same thing will happen? It seems
When you are the leader, one of the keys to success is getting organized, and then delegating tasks. If you can do those things early on, the rest of your job will be a lot easier to handle. In this
Having a goal, a plan, and asking teammates to do things is only the start for you as a leader. Making sure everyone does his job to make the plan happen is a critical part of leading the team to
Rewarding people is a great tool for your leader’s tool kit, but there are three things you should keep in mind if you want the reward you give to have the greatest impact.
The popular ideal of a leader who stands alone in the face of adversity barking orders that are instantly obeyed makes for good cinema. But in the real world, that’s not the way the most effective leaders get the job
Leading a team includes accomplishing the mission while also taking care of people. If your people’s needs aren’t being met, chances are that the mission is going to suffer. Here’s a simple framework you can keep in mind when working
People tend to think of emotion as what is happening on our insides that may be reflected on our exterior: a frown, a smile, a way of standing or walking. And what happens inside transfers to the outside in our
What you do with your body affects how you think with your head. Here is a simple way you can use this fact as a leader to get people’s attention and take control of a group.
One of the more recent and popular entries to the long list of good leadership books was Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. Authored by Sheryl Sandberg, formerly a vice president at Google and now Chief Operating
Taking over a new team can be a challenging and tricky time for everyone involved. The new leader may have lots of great ideas and changes he wants to implement immediately; the rest of the team might be apprehensive about
A long while ago, Benjamin Franklin said “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” He was right – the best learning involves doing, and the more the better. Here’s a simple
If you rush blindly from one event to the next, you miss out on the opportunity to learn and improve. After a major event, what good leaders and teams do is take a moment to think about what just happened
There’s no such thing as perfection when you are dealing with people. Inevitably, something will go wrong. After all, we’re only human. As mistakes and errors happen, good teams get better by talking about what occurred and finding ways to
Captain Ahab is famous in modern fiction for his maniacal pursuit of the Great White Whale, Moby-Dick. He gets a lot of bad press for his poor leadership style, and things didn’t end up going very well for most of