Finish What You Start

Starting something is fun.  It’s exciting.  Everything is new, the possibilities seem limitless.  Potential is everywhere. It takes only a moment to make a promise or set a goal. Delivering is harder.  It takes effort.  The excitement fades.  Everything seems

Closing the Trust Gap

People will only willingly follow you if they trust you, and believe in your destination.  But like boarding a train, there comes a moment when they have to step from the platform into the passenger compartment and join you for

Building Team Culture One Step at a Time

We all recognize that building team culture is important   We know a strong team culture can have a huge positive impact on team effectiveness, employee engagement, and overall productivity.  The question is, where does it come from?  How do we

New Manager Survival Tips

Your first days as the new leader of a team can be a challenge – new faces, new places, the fire hose is on and you are definitely drinking in as much as you possibly can.  And even as all

Communicate the Vision

A while ago we talked about the importance of seeking to understand our leadership environment before we start trying to lead.  If we were taking good notes and paying attention, we should have a pretty good idea of the direction

Six Steps for the New Manager

They made you a new manager.  Great!  Now what? Whatever you did to become a new manager is probably not enough to help you be successful there.  Leading well is a skill set of its own.  To help you make

Flight Lessons

Are you giving your teammates flight lessons? As leaders, the best indicator of our success is the success of those we are responsible for.  Whether it is a child, a teammate, or co-worker, when you invest time and energy in preparing

Are You Turning Your Wolves into Sheep

Are you teaching your people to be sheep or wolves? Many of us are spending too much time corralling our co-workers instead of pointing them in the direction we want them to go.  Today we’ll take a lesson from nature

Treasure Hunt Life Lessons

It was anything but a normal way to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary.  But despite many unexpected trials, it was also one of the best days we’d had together in a while.  Here’s the very unusual way we spent our

Signing Your Work why the last details make a lasting difference

He and his crew labored for months high in the Colorado Rockies last summer. They hiked through snow and dodged rattlesnakes in the desert while working with the Southwest Conservation Corps to preserve America’s wildest places. I asked him what he

Goal Setting Crash Test

With the turn of the New Year come new resolutions.  But too often these goals fall by the wayside before the snow has had a chance to melt.  With all the writing I’ve been doing recently on goals, I thought

Grandma's Law

There’s a simple law you can apply to your goal setting that will definitely help improve the amount of things you’re able to get done.  It’s called Grandma’s Law.  Today we’ll talk about how you can put Grandma’s Law to

Leadership Secrets of Buddy the Elf

Spoiler Alert – There’s a happy ending.  Even if you haven’t seen the movie “Elf,” you kind of know that’s how things will turn out.  And since the movie stars Will Ferrell, you know you can count on plenty to

Presentation Secret

It was the best PowerPoint presentation I had ever seen.  It happened over 10 years ago, but even now I can remember specifics.  What made it so memorable?  So effective?  In this post, I’ll tell you the simple presentation secret,

5 Simple Steps to Lead Successfully

On a chilly Sunday evening recently I watched a young man take his first successful steps as a leader.  It reminded me that leadership doesn’t need to be complicated or hard.  And if you follow the same five simple steps

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Ken Downer - Founder of RapidStart Leadership
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