Don't Fear the Elephants

Nobody said he was a great mathematician.  But he may be the greatest general you never heard of.  His actions over 2,000 years ago are a great example of how we can influence our future by the way we react

Paper Couch

  With our kids out of the house, we are moving from Pennsylvania to be closer to family in the Midwest. One of the many challenges of this move is to make sure we will be able to fit into

3 Leadership Lessons My Dad Taught Me

More powerful than any words he could have ever said, it was what my father did without saying a thing that taught me the most about what it means to be a good leader. Today I want to share those

Book Notes - It Worked for Me

I hope you have problems. That’s a good thing, really.  A book I read recently cast a whole new light on what it means to have problems as a leader, and what you should do about them. Today we’ll talk

Play Your Part

Are you giving it your best? I was watching The Tonight Show recently – the opening monologues are often funny, and other parts of the show can be entertaining.  The musical guest that night seemed interesting, so I fast forwarded

Don't Wait for the Green Light

Are you waiting for permission to proceed? Traffic signals organize and coordinate the flow of traffic. They keep things safe and orderly. We wait for the green light to proceed. Organizations have managers and supervisors. They direct the traffic too.

Modeling Success - Effective Communication without Words

Success doesn’t come easy, and the more complex the challenge, the harder it can be to communicate effectively with your team.  Sometimes, the more you talk, the more words can get in the way.  One way to cut through the

Anatomy of a Fall

Saturday.  A mountainous trail half-marathon.  Mile 11.5.  Rocky down-slope. My legs are tired.  They feel like clumsy chunks of solid rubber with hamburger for feet. The left foot finds an unseen rock, and stops short.  Then the right foot joins

Goal Failure

What happens when you set a goal and fail to achieve it? In January of this year I set a personal goal.  Made it public on this web site.  Tweeted about it almost daily.  Posted weekly updates on Facebook.  I

Climbing Solo

When I hear of the exploits of amateur climbers who somehow manage to summit Mount Everest, it makes me wonder – how many more times has his guide been to the top? When I watch amazing footage of wild life

Team Spring Cleaning

There’s something about “new.”  Somehow the idea of new gives energy, enthusiasm, focus.  Yet so often we find ourselves stuck in “old.”  Same job, same house, same routine. Just as winter transitions to spring and the world outside renews itself,

Spotlight the Support

My daughter is a big fan of Lin Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton.  She was home on spring break recently, so we took her to see an earlier production of his:  In the Heights. Our seats were good, the

Build Team Culture

Every team will develop its own distinctive culture.  A good team culture can be positive, supporting, and contribute to greater productivity, employee engagement, and satisfaction.  A bad one can have the opposite effect. The thing is, you don’t have to

Teams Make Stars

We like to focus on the star – the one person who always seems to get it done. But if we zero in too closely on one star, we lose sight of the other points of light in the sky.

3 Ways to Sabotage Team Culture

Your team’s culture is it’s life-blood, its soul.  It’s who you are and how you interact as a group.  If it’s a good one, your culture can directly contribute to increased employee engagement, rising productivity and decreased turnover. But if

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Ken Downer - Founder of RapidStart Leadership
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